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For Microdosing and Macrodosing

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Free Comprehensive Microdose Handbook and Workbook

We firmly believe that knowledge about microdosing should be accessible to all. That’s why we offer comprehensive resources and guidance completely free of charge, ensuring that cost never limits your access to the transformative potential of microdosing. With small doses, big results await on your microdosing journey.

Small Doses, Big Results!

Mama Dose Macrodosing Journey Guide

With the Mama Dose Macrodosing Journey Guide, set off on a life-changing journey. This guide intends to give you a thorough understanding and a clear path for enhancing your use of sacred plant medicines.

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Discover the Science, Benefits, and Tips.

Psilocybin, the key compound in magic mushrooms, has sparked interest in managing anxiety. Many people are exploring its potential in psychedelic-assisted therapy. It’s vital to discern reality from myth in this evolving field. What if our assumptions about psilocybin and anxiety are not accurate? Some people report increased anxiety, especially with higher doses, and when […]

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Road trips are the ultimate adventure, offering freedom and the thrill of the open road. Mushroom gummies and road trips go hand in hand. They are convenient and easy to carry wherever you go, whether it’s visiting a festival or enjoying a natural landscape while camping. These psychedelic mushroom edibles aim to heighten your senses […]

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Affiliate marketing has transformed the way people earn money online, providing a flexible and lucrative opportunity to monetize your online presence. Are you active on social media every day, or do you have an email list of like-minded individuals? Why not make extra income from it? You’ve tested our products and know their value, so […]

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Every Sale Benefits
the Shaneawana Tribe of Brazil

“By supporting Mamadose, you’re not just making a purchase; you’re making a difference. 6% of every sale directly benefits the Shaneawana Tribe of Brazil, ensuring their rich cultural legacy thrives in our modern world. Paving pathways for individuals to find healing. Together, we can champion indigenous wisdom and bring transformative medicine to those in need. Your choice has power—use it to change lives.”

Your Source for
Micro & Macro
Dosing Information

Explore the remarkable healing powers and multitude of benefits offered by plant medicines through our informative website – The Plant Medicine Path.  Here you can also find an integration coach or explore other healing modalities.

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