a collage of a head and flowers depicting mental health on blue pastel background

Introduction to Microdosing and Mental Health

Table of Contents

    Microdosing and mental health have recently been a great topic of debate. At its core, microdosing is simply consuming minuscule, sub-perceptual doses of psychedelics like magic mushrooms. This surge in popularity has sparked a lot of questions.

    Although there are many stories outlining the potential benefits of microdosing for mental health, such as reduced anxiety and depression, increased focus and creativity, and improved overall quality of life, a thorough understanding of the long-term safety and effectiveness of this trend is still lacking.

    We will take scientific evidence and individual experiences with the potential advantages of microdosing for mental health into account, aiming to shed light on this practice.


    What is Microdosing


    Microdosing capsules on blue pastel background


    A microdose typically consists of one-twentieth to one-tenth of an average recreational dosage. People frequently follow a schedule where they take this dose every three to four days in order to avoid building up a tolerance.
    Various individuals may require different dosages and frequencies, so finding the ideal balance may take some trial and error. However, the goal is still the same: to consistently add small amounts of psychedelics to the body with the intention of bringing about mild but long-lasting changes in mood, perception, and general well-being.


    Studies on Microdosing and Mental Health

    Microdosing is relatively new in scientific communities, it gained traction as a trend in the mid-2000s, particularly in Silicon Valley, where tech professionals tried to find something to enhance their creativity and productivity without the intense effects of full doses of psychedelics.

    The first documented instance of microdosing can be traced back to Dr. James Fadiman’s research in the 1960s and 1970s, where he studied the effects of psychedelic substances like LSD on creativity and problem-solving. While there are not many clinical trials on microdosing, let’s check out the available studies today.


    books and magic mushrooms depicting studies on microdosing and mental health



    • A 2019 study conducted on 278 microdosers who have completed an online survey, revealed that 26.6% of participants noted an enhancement in mood, while 14.8% reported heightened focus.
    • Similarly, another study from the same year observed that individuals who engaged in microdosing LSD or psilocybin self-reported an augmentation in creativity and willingness to listen to and accept new ideas.
    • Additionally, a separate study identified that certain microdosers observed a reduction in levels of depression and stress over a six-week period. This may potentially showcase the benefits of microdosing on mental health, although further research is required to understand the process better.
    • Another study observed the effects of microdosing psychedelic truffles. The findings were similar, indicating that microdosing produces a short-term improvement in creative thinking and overall creativity, although no notable benefits on mental health were measured.
    • The most recent study on microdosing, published in June 2022, concluded that “psilocybin microdosers exhibited more noticeable enhancements in mood and mental well-being after one month compared to non-microdosing individuals.
    • On the other hand, a placebo-controlled trial produced different results, showing that psilocybin microdosing had no appreciable effect on anxiety or depression.
    • Similar findings were reached by another study on LSD microdosing, which found “no residual effects” on mood or cognition.

    Apart from research results, there are a lot of anecdotal accounts from people who have used microdosing to improve their mental health. Many report feeling more positive, creative, and motivated after taking a microdosage; others even link microdosing to helping treat long-term mental health conditions like anxiety and depression. Let’s take a look at these personal reports.


    Individual Reports on Microdosing and Mental Health

    In the realm of microdosing, anecdotal reports often serve as guiding lights, offering glimpses into the potential transformative power of substances like psilocybin. We have covered scientific studies, now it’s time to examine the personal accounts of microdosing for mental health.

    According to one person on Reddit, the effects of microdosing psilocybin have been transformative, particularly for neurodivergent individuals like themselves who grapple with conditions such as autism and CPTSD. They describe how psilocybin appears to work within the brain, addressing areas that may be deregulated, especially in those with neurodivergent conditions. Moreover, they highlight how psilocybin has aided them in managing dyslexia and improving their reading abilities. While acknowledging the complexity of the neuroscience involved, they emphasize the profound personal changes they’ve experienced through microdosing.


    a person talking about with microdosing capsules, chocolates and psilocybin mushrooms


    Another Reddit member shared a personal story of how they went through a protracted time of sorrow because of a major rejection that filled their thoughts for more than two years. They discovered that microdosing had a deeply transforming impact on them, releasing them from the ongoing emotional upheaval they had been going through. They no longer think about the rejection, instead, they feel happy, inspired, and centered on the good things in their lives.

    However, some people didn’t have much luck with microdosing. According to this account, this individual didn’t notice any effect on their depression. Despite hoping for a positive outcome, they didn’t experience any improvement in mood, focus, or creativity.

    As we can see anecdotal reports may be unpredictable, while some get positive outcomes from microdosing others don’t notice beneficial changes. Hopefully, with scientific proof and further research, we will see the true benefits of microdosing.


    Can Microdosing be Beneficial for Mental Health?

    Microdosing, or taking small doses of psychedelics, like psilocybin, has gained interest as a potential treatment for mental health conditions including anxiety and depression. It may also be beneficial for improving mood and cognitive functions.

    While the current body of research on microdosing is very limited, anecdotal evidence suggests that it may have benefits for certain people. However, it’s important to note that not everyone will find microdosing to be appropriate. Some people experience the benefits while others don’t.

    If you want to experiment with microdosing make sure to stick to a predefined protocol and get your product from a legitimate source. MamaDose provides a Two-Week Trial Trust Course, offering a convenient opportunity to experiment with microdosing and assess its efficacy for you.

    Introduction to Microdosing and Mental Health

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